The Emotional Intelligence Test

A man and woman sitting down, having an in-depth conversation about emotional intelligence.
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Understand your emotions and how to master them in order to unlock your full potential with this Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Test.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (also known as EQ) is the way you perceive, understand, and manage your emotions as well as the emotions of those around you.

Emotional intelligence is divided into four quadrants: self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, and relationship management. Gaining a mastery of each component allows you to utilize your emotions on every level before you act so that you can achieve positive results in all aspects of your life.

Discover how well you perform in all four quadrants of emotional intelligence, and how this affects all aspects of your life.

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A woman looking thoughtful. Her eyes look right and she is holding her chin with one hand.

Promote inner growth through emotional intelligence

Icon of a magnifying glass zooming in on a sheet of paper indicating the emotional intelligence test is evidence based.Research based

This 40-question test is based on Goleman’s model of emotional intelligence. It ascertains your current levels of emotional intelligence to help you visualize your strengths as well as areas you may need to work on.

Icon of an arrow piercing the center of a round target indicating the accuracy of the test results.Accurate results

You will receive an overall result out of 160 as well as a percentage breakdown of how you perform in each of the four quadrants.

Icon of two cupped hands holding three stars indicating the premium value of the EQ test. Premium value

The optional premium report includes specifically designed techniques to help you develop your emotional intelligence over time.

A woman looking thoughtful. Her eyes look right and she is holding her chin with one hand.

How it works

How it works

Our free Emotional Intelligence Test is designed to help you understand the way you experience, utilize, and perceive your emotions in order to facilitate personal growth on your own terms.

Based on Goleman’s model of emotional intelligence, the test assesses your EQ in four key quadrants: self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, and relationship management.

Your exact EQ score is then calculated through the use of a unique algorithm which analyzes and scores the answers you provided. You will receive an overall score out of 160 as well as a percentage breakdown of your performance in each quadrant.

This analysis provides a broad view of your competencies in each area, as well as those that need to be worked on to help empower you to live a better, more satisfied life.

The optional premium report provides a range of tailored professional techniques and exercises that you can employ to improve your emotional intelligence over time. It teaches you how to get the most out of your natural abilities.

What our users say about us

For me the real value was getting all the useful techniques and exercises in the full PDF result report. I try to use them as often as I can.

Xavier P.

I like that it’s the emotional answer to the IQ test. In my opinion EQ is so important.

Ariel R.

Because I got such cool exercises in the PDF, it’s made me come back and do the test again to see how much my result improved.

Eric K.

Accurate and insightful.

Olivia S.

The fact it’s based on actual research is important to me. I feel like my results were genuine.

Liu Y.

How does the Emotional Intelligence test help you?


Assess your EQ

In our free Emotional Intelligence Test, you’ll get an instant score to show you how emotionally intelligent you are in different aspects of your life. You can use it as a starting point on your journey of personal growth.


Utilize your results

Each result gives you the information you need to start developing your emotional intelligence today.


Take ownership of your emotions

Implement the specifically tailored techniques in the premium report and master your emotions. Give yourself the tools to maximize your life.

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What will this emotional intelligence test tell me?

This free emotional intelligence test will give you a clear indication of your own emotional control, perception, and identity. It will also help identify how you manage and respond to the emotions of those around you, and what that means for yourself, your social awareness, and your relationship management skills.

Your results will signpost the areas you have higher levels of innate EQ, as well as indicate which skills could use some development.

The optional premium report will take an even deeper dive into your results and divide them into Goleman’s four quadrants of EQ. Each report will show you how real-life application of emotional intelligence techniques can help shape your relationships and wellbeing. They will also fundamentally alter the way you approach the world and how you define success.