User Stories


Human hands together, representing the the spirit of breaking limits and embracing new challenges

Mia, 27, Germany

At 27, living abroad and working in a large team, I felt like I was juggling a lot. My career was important to me, and I wanted to grow, but sometimes navigating my team and understanding my boyfriend’s needs left me feeling overwhelmed. I knew I needed to figure out how to handle everything better, but I wasn’t sure where to start.

That’s when I took the Big 5 personality test. Honestly, it was a game changer. The results gave me insights I hadn’t considered before. It helped me understand my boyfriend more deeply—his high score in Conscientiousness explained why he was always so organized and why my more spontaneous approach sometimes frustrated him. I also realized that my high score in Extraversion helped me thrive in a big team but could sometimes make me overlook quieter team members who had valuable input.

With this new perspective, I started approaching my relationships differently. I made an effort to listen more and adjust my communication style with my boyfriend, which brought us closer. At work, I began paying more attention to how my teammates operated, which helped me navigate the dynamics better.

The Big 5 test didn’t just give me self-awareness—it gave me the tools to grow in both my career and personal life. I feel more confident now, knowing that understanding myself and others is the key to unlocking the next chapter of my success