IQ Test


multiple icons symbolizing different aspects of a IQ test

Many IQ tests offer a broad evaluation of your general intelligence, but credible online IQ tests provide a detailed performance review of your linguistic, mathematical, logical and spatial intelligence. While IQ tests do not offer insights into your emotional intelligence, they can help to identify your strengths and weaknesses in a number of other important areas, and have been used by researchers, employers, and psychiatrists for decades to do so. If you want to test your abilities in the categories that an IQ test can measure, you can do so now.


The Classic Intelligence Test

Taking a classic intelligence test, like an online IQ test, can help you to find out what types of intelligence you have. By taking an IQ test, you will be able to see how you score in things like logical reasoning, math as well as spatial recognition. An IQ test also measures people’s ability to see connections between concepts as well as their ability to classify things.

At some point in our lives, we've questioned our level of intelligence. Think back to your school days and recall that kid, for example, who was placed into an accelerated learning class while everyone else was still stuck at the basics. Or consider how some people are born with exceptional musical talents, while many struggle to learn a note. Rest assured, there is nothing 'wrong' with your level of intelligence. Everyone has strengths in different areas, and it is important to understand that some have a broader intelligence range, while others can only master very specific things.

group of individuals with question marks above their heads, symbolizing curiosity and the search for answers

Other intelligence tests

There are many other types of intelligence tests such as the Raven's Progressive Matrices Test. This is a test that is used to measure only your visual reasoning skills. It usually has 60 questions in which you are asked to correctly identify which pattern comes next, or which picture fits perfectly into the space provided. This type of test is considered culturally fair because you are not required to answer linguistic type questions, so anyone who speaks any language can answer the questions.

Unlike the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test, which is purely visual, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test includes questions that ask you to apply your memory and perception skills. You will also encounter word-focused questions that are designed to test your linguistic intelligence.

However, if you want to dig even deeper and find out what you are good at, take a look at the list below and see just how many things you excel in.

There are different types of intelligence and the American psychologist Howard Gardner has broken them down into seven key types.

7 Types of Intelligence

1. Linguistic Intelligence:

People who enjoy anything to do with the written word, such as reading, writing stories and even doing crossword puzzles, are likely to have a good level of linguistic intelligence. There are many ways in which you can enhance this skill, as it is something that improves with practice. You can, for example, learn a new word each day or create a magazine or website that interests you where you can write down your thoughts. Have you thought about setting yourself a reading target?

2. Mathematical Intelligence:

It is not everyone’s strong point, but people who enjoy math usually are those with a high level of mathematical intelligence. They are naturally drawn to patterns, strategy games and solving mathematical problems. This particular talent allows you to see the logical relationship between shapes and patterns. You can improve your mathematical intelligence by working on logic puzzles and brain teasers or working your way up from simple to more difficult math problems.

3. Kinaesthetic Intelligence:

You may not have heard of this one before, but kinaesthetic intelligence is something that people with a great sense of skill and dexterity have. Dancers and athletes fall into this category because they are required to use their bodies in a way that is mechanical and precise. Carpenters, machinists, farmers often possess this skill-set because it involves work that requires a great deal of speed, strength, and balance.

4. Spatial Intelligence:

People who can recognize patterns and navigate machinery, such as planes, have a lot of spatial intelligence. Sculptors and architects, for example, are required to be skilled in understanding different sizes and shapes because they have to visualize how things would look in wider spaces. You can train this by exploring the world of spatial puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, origami, chess, and Lego!

5. Musical Intelligence:

People who have skills in composing beautiful pieces of music or performing usually have a high level of musical intelligence. Being able to understand rhythm and recognize different sounds is something that you can train your ear to do and with early practice, everyone can achieve some level of musical intelligence, even by simply appreciating the art.

6. Interpersonal Intelligence:

If you have the capacity to understand people, such as recognizing their moods and intentions, then chances are that you have a high degree of interpersonal intelligence. These people, for example teachers and psychologists, usually like to work with others and they often want to understand the root of feelings and actions so that they can assist and help in some way. You can train this by reading books about self-development or just by talking to people and seeing things from their perspective.

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence:

Similar, but not quite the same as interpersonal intelligence, having a high level of intrapersonal intelligence means that you have a good capacity to understand yourself, including your motivations, moods and desires. Therapists and counsellors have an innate ability to understand others, because they have achieved a certain level of self-understanding.

Discover your strengths and intelligence level through the IQ test.