IQ Test


child with a pen in the hand completing an iq test

Has your child ever taken an IQ test for kids? If not, you might be interested in taking a free IQ test for children to familiarize yourself with the types of questions that might appear. More advanced versions of these questions often appear in tests for adults and can be good practice for individuals who wish to train themselves in different IQ-related topics. IQ tests for kids can be a good starter indication of whether you have a gifted child—IQ score ranges are usually similar for both adults and children, with the average often lying somewhere between 100 and 105.

The IQ test was originally conceived to determine the strengths and weaknesses of children who were struggling at school. It was designed to identify children that needed extra help with their schoolwork, as well as those who could potentially be placed into an accelerated learning class. Children who qualify for accelerated learning programs are often considered to be a level above "smart" and are recognized as "gifted children" - however the only way to understand the difference is by taking a closer look at the characteristics of both.


What do IQ tests for children measure?

Much like the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for adults, IQ tests for kids can determine a child's level of intelligence and identify where on the intelligence scale they sit. There are many different types of tests out there, for both adults and children, that have been specifically designed to evaluate an individual's level of intelligence. IQ tests for children, tend to focus on testing a child's mathematical, spatial, logical, and linguistic skills, as well as analyzing how skilled they are in making connections.

You may find that your child does not score highly on an IQ test for children, but is gifted in other areas, such as music or dance. This does not need to raise immediate cause for concern - there are many different types of intelligence and it may be that your child excels in the creative aspects that not all IQ tests measure. Before you jump to any conclusions about your child's level of intelligence, you should know that geniuses are very rare in society and an average score of 100 is still something to be truly proud of. If, however, they do score above 140, they might be in the top 2% of people who can qualify for MENSA. A child's membership at MENSA relies on assessment by the American Mensa National Office and on the judgement of a psychologist who reviews their IQ test score and determines whether they are suitable for the organization or not. 

The difference between ‘smart’ and gifted children

A smart child can be bright and clever, but if they are also inventive, chances are that they have a higher level of intelligence than usual. We know that children who are smart arrive at certain conclusions because they learn from their experiences. They get from A to B with ease. Gifted children, however, are more likely to also be innovative in their thinking, with a tendency to 'think outside of the box' when faced with situations that require more than just good problem-solving skills.

Characteristics of gifted children:

Apart from examining the anatomy of the brain, there are many signs that can tell us if someone is gifted—these characteristics, for example, can be a good indication if exhibited in early childhood:

  • They learn to read quicker than other children

  • They can use and understand advanced vocabulary

  • They are able to remember new information and ‘store it’ in their brain

  • They are able to concentrate deeply despite what is going on around them

  • They have many interests and hobbies

  • They are curious and ask a lot of questions (more than your average child)

  • They understand symbolism and complex metaphors (abstract thinking for example)

  • They are inventive and creative

  • They take responsibility for the tasks they are doing and even assume the role of a leader

  • They have advanced critical thinking abilities

  • They have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and are not easily satisfied, especially with the mundane

A young boy focused on a book symbolizing his quest for knowledge and intellectual growth

5 Strategies to teach gifted children

Gifted children can be those who are high-achievers, but they can also be among those who struggle to concentrate, feel motivated, or finish their work. There are schools that offer programs for children who are accelerated learners. The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), is an organization that aims to unify accelerated learning programs across all states. They have identified strategies for teachers to cater to the complex needs of their high-performing students, including:

  • Start with the most difficult work. It is more advantageous to present skilled children with 5 extremely difficult questions at the beginning of a lesson, rather than with 20 medium-to-difficult questions. Highly intelligent children want to be challenged with fresh tasks all the time.

  • Teachers should provide their students with choices around what they would like to work on and do at a given time. Some students opt for doing math, while others prefer to use an iPad and play word puzzles or games. By giving students optional tasks and allowing them to choose what they want to do, you broaden their horizons. By appealing to gifted children’s interests and tailoring their learning environment to their abilities, you are offering them the choice to master their skills even more.

  • Many teachers have reported that these students often show levels of boredom or an inability to focus within the classroom environment— yet get excited when doing a task that they are extremely fond of. By figuring out where the ‘creative excitement’ lies for a student, you can use their curiosity and impatience to their advantage. By personalizing their learning experiences, you are appealing to what matters to them.

  • According to studies done by NAGC, gifted children often like to work together. As a result of pairing these students up, their academic achievements are boosted even more as they learn from their peers—in other words, they are bouncing ideas off one another.

  • Tiered learning is an approach in which a teacher sets out work for a student by separating it via different difficulty levels. For example, you give them work that they can handle, then you up that by giving them something outside of their level— then if they master that, you give them an extension level to perfect their skills even more. The level of depth and complexity will form a challenging environment, which in turn will prevent them from zoning out during lessons.

Whether you are a parent, or a teacher working specifically with gifted children, a children’s IQ test may help you to figure out which level your child, or student, is at in terms of the IQ scale. For teachers, this can enable you to further personalize your learning program and cater to students at different stages of their development. One thing to remember however—teaching should always contain an element of intrigue and fun. Gifted children need to get excited about their learning and their intellectual needs need to be met and satisfied. Why not try out our Interstellar Adventure, a fun and free test for kids to train the brain.