IQ Test


man presenting a glowing human brain symbolizing intelligence

Let’s say you’ve just taken an intelligence test…

What if you scored 102, 118, or above 150 on an IQ test—does this make you a genius? Some people believe intelligence can be determined by a person’s level of education, however there are many factors that contribute to a high IQ and that must be considered when building a picture of someone’s overall mental ability. Accurately measuring intelligence, in a way that is quantifiable, is difficult and scientists have struggled to define what makes us intelligent and in which spheres of life it is most evident. That’s where the IQ test comes in.

Where do IQ tests actually come from?

The concept of an intelligence quotient was first created in France in the early 1900s by a psychologist named Alfred Binet. He initially concocted the idea as a means to identify students who might require extra support at school with their learning. He named it the “Binet-Simon-Test”and it’s certainly come a long way!

The purpose of IQ tests today and why you should take one…

Intelligence tests measure intelligence by analyzing a person's ability to understand and solve problems. Although more commonly taken by adults, they are also still used in schools to identify students who could benefit from special education programs, or students whose education could be accelerated to a gifted education program.

The format offers a simple and fast means to measure certain types of intelligence and is a great tool to use if you'd like to identify your intellectual strengths and weaknesses. This can be particularly useful when selecting suitable careers - if, for example, a test-taker proves to perform well in math and logic questions, then a career in engineering, aviation, machinery or architecture could be well-suited.


What factors influence your IQ score?

While we may inherit genetic intelligence from our biological parents, there are other social and environmental factors that can play a role in our performance. Influences such as education, nutrition, and social interaction play a part in early brain development and may impact a person’s cognitive abilities later on it life.

Our IQ Test

Developed in Germany by a team of experts, our most advanced and accurate online intelligence test focuses on the following cognitive abilities:

  • Visual Perception

  • Logical and Analytical Thinking

  • Pattern Recognition

  • Verbal Comprehension

On completion of all questions, you will receive information about your performance in comparison to other users and will have the opportunity to access premium features, including your personalized IQ certificate with score.

woman focused on her computer looking at the IQ quest question

Where does your IQ stand on the IQ scale?

Intelligence varies from person to person, and some people can end up on the lower end of the scale while others with an IQ of 150 or more, are considered to be highly gifted.


Yes, you can boost your IQ Score!

Everyone can learn, no matter how intelligent they are. We sometimes see students struggle at school because of a weakness in a specific subject. This doesn't mean that, without the appropriate learning techniques, their understanding of the subject won't improve. Brain training exercises, for example, have been proven to improve cognitive skills in people of all ages. People often use them for memory training to enhance their visual and pattern recognition skills and to give their brains a workout.

5 Methods to train your brain to retain information

1. Participation

Have you ever wondered why you’ve never forgotten how to ride a bicycle? This is because you participated in the learning process and your senses were fully engaged. You learned by doing and your motivation to succeed pushed you into retaining the practice.

2. Repetition

When you are learning a new skill, it is important to practice and repeat what you have learned so that you get the full benefit of the training. This is why practice and repetition play such an important role in learning.

3. Meaningful Learning

Imagine that you are trying to learn a new language but no matter how hard you try, it just won’t sink in. This is especially true for school students who must take on a language in their senior year. They are doing it because someone said they had to, not because they want to. Knowledge always sinks in much easier when someone is learning voluntarily because they are motivated to do it.

4. Application

How do you know that the outcome of your learning has been successful? If you can apply what you have learned to a particular situation in a positive way, and your performance has increased as a result of your learning/training, this means that your brain has retained the information. The same can be applied to our IQ questions—the more you train your brain and practice, the more likely it is you will see an increase in your IQ score.

5. Progress Report

When you receive a score or feedback on something you have learned or completed, not only will you be prompted to correct your mistakes, but you will also be motivated to improve. Getting a grade or a score and being told what you got wrong is NOT as effective as discovering WHY you got things wrong. Ultimately, the more information you have about the mistakes you have made, the more you will benefit.