

Woman writing on sticky notes while setting personal development goals, focusing on future aspirations

It’s heartening to know that there’s value to be found not just in reaching our goals, but also in the journey we undertake to fulfil them. As you think about your aspirations for the future — and the self-development that will happen while pursuing your goals — we invite you to turn your attention toward your growth and the many things you’ve already achieved, both planned and unexpected.

For those who want to hone their skills of goal setting, we have compiled a list of tips that have demonstrated to the TerraYou team time and again how effective they are.

Tips for setting do-able goals

Goal setting is a skill you can improve with time and practice, and there are techniques to best position yourself to achieve what you set out to do. As you consider new goals, be sure to:

1.     Recognize the scale. If you have a habit you want to change, recognize why you fell into it in the first place. Habits are often formed because they work for us in the moment, even if they don’t serve us in the long term. Getting to the root of the “why” behind a habit you’re seeking to break will help you understand the size and types of adjustments you need to make to change it.

2.     Take steps to make your goals easier. Create an environment that makes your goals feel accessible in your day-to-day life. For example, if you’re trying to meditate more often, set up a corner of your living space that feels relaxing, comfortable, and allows for self-reflection. If you want to eat more vegetables, be sure you have your favorites in the fridge.


3.     Identify smaller goals to help attain bigger ones. If your goal is to be able to run 3 miles without stopping, break that down into smaller chunks. Perhaps start with a half mile allowing for breaks, followed by longer stretches with fewer breaks. Setting deadlines that are fair yet challenging can help you gain and keep momentum. Formulating your desires into SMART goals makes them even more tangible and easier to stick to.

SMART goal-setting technique illustrated with colorful sticky notes for a clear and actionable approach
SMART goals help structure clear and achievable aspirations

4.     Reward yourself. Meeting your goals and reaching the milestones along the way are events to be celebrated! It can be tempting not to “allow” yourself to fully enjoy that you’ve succeeded until every box is ticked. This mindset can prevent you from acknowledging the very real momentum you’ve built and the excitement of taking charge of and following through with your self-actualization. You deserve to feel every success, even the ones that didn’t happen how or when you expected.

5.     Practice self-compassion. Try and get to the heart of why you want to make this change in your life. Is your goal something that is truly going to make your life better, or is it something you feel pressured to do? Contemplate what will make you feel most fulfilled, irrespective of anyone else. After you’ve identified and set your goals, if you find they take longer than you thought or don’t progress the way you imagined, forgive yourself and adjust them as needed. Goal setting often happens from a position of brainstorming, but the reality of what’s happening “on the ground” is sometimes very different than what we pictured back then.

Always moving forward

Taking steps in the right direction is progress, regardless of their size. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination, even when things don’t go to plan! If you are determined to succeed, becoming familiar with the intricacies of your personality with all your strengths and weaknesses can make it easier to set realistic yet ambitious goals. If you wish to go deeper into understanding how personality impacts your journey — like how it shapes your “getting there” or your procrastination patterns — we suggest you explore our Discovery Category. Here you’ll find our tests and articles that will help you find resources that match you as an individual. 

Relaxed woman enjoying a moment of peace while working on her goals, symbolizing self-care and balance
Balance work and relaxation to ensure a fulfilling and sustainable personal development journey

For those of you looking for more specific support, we wholeheartedly recommend our easy and comprehensive Enneagram test, which now features two beautiful designs in the premium handbook: a feature that will catch any aesthete’s eye.  

As you plan ahead for your own future, we hope TerraYou can accompany you through the changes you wish to see in yourself and your environment. We look forward to being a part of your path of self-fulfillment.

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