

Two women hold a calendar featuring a circled date, embodying the themes of anticipation and Enneagram personality models.

Do you know that unique feeling when you’re anticipating something, and this joy alone is its own incredible experience? The Germans have a word for it: Vorfreude, or the thrill of anticipation you have when you’re looking forward to something.

“Vorfreude” is such an accurate description of this universal feeling, which is why this article will use it often moving forward. Just like any emotion, each of us experiences Vorfreude differently, and while yours is unique to you, there are likely some trends stemming from your Enneagram type. The Enneagram personality model is one that TerraYou users particularly enjoy for its accurate results, linking you to one out of the nine personality types. The model is a helpful tool in clarifying who you are, how you feel, and what your motivations are.

Your type and your Vorfreude

Your Vorfreude is as individual as you are, but you’ll likely find some truth in your reaction to it based on your type. If you aren’t certain yet what your type is, head over to TerraYou’s Enneagram Test to find out.

We analyzed in more detail the different Enneagram types and their special characteristics in relation to anticipation to give you insight into how Vorfreude is likely to affect your type. To help contextualize the situation and your feelings, imagine how you feel when a loved one is visiting from out of town.

Type 1: The Reformer

Because you feel emotions very deeply, you’re likely to be more affected than others by the Vorfreude of an upcoming guest. However, you tend to give the impression of being very emotionally controlled, so it may come as a surprise to others that you’re feeling such intense anticipation. As a Reformer, sometimes you just need a bit more time to figure out exactly what you feel.

While focusing on preparations for your visitor, you may have the tendency to clamp down on things or people in your environment because you’re experiencing high stress. This is a normal reaction to gain control over the situation, but it’s one that may cause tension between you and others — but even then, don’t forget that Vorfreude is a positive emotion!

An affirmation that may help you: not everything needs to be perfect. Simply focus on having a nice time with your loved one.

Type 2: The Helper

When you’re a Helper experiencing the joy of anticipation, you may lean on your habit of sacrificing your desires to make others feel at ease. If you don’t let it get out of control, this inclination would make you a fantastic host when a loved one is visiting town. Swept up in your Vorfreude, you may be tempted to work yourself into a tizzy to make sure everything is perfectly prepared for the maximum, joyful effect.

While in this state, though, others may perceive you as unwilling to accept outside help. However, you go to these lengths only to ensure that your visiting loved one feels treasured. All in all, when you’re looking forward to something wonderful, you make sure that others feel as great as you do.

Your helpful affirmation: Not everything can be planned in advance; do your best to focus on your loved one’s true wishes.

Type 3: The Achiever

Achievers who can’t wait for something amazing will blow people away when the moment comes. You make sure to diligently prepare yourself, those around you, and your home for your much-anticipated visitor. This is due to your tendency to have goals as ambitious as you are, and people respect you for this part of your personality.

You may be inclined to fear failure or humiliation since your image is very valuable to you. This can make it hard for you to tell people no, which, if you’re experiencing Vorfreude, can make you unlikely to deny people and their requests, even when you should. When the moment comes, and your visitor arrives, don’t forget to take the time to enjoy all the things you’ve done well — even if you feel driven to immediately move on to your next goal.

An affirmation for your type: stop yourself when you notice you’re overthinking or planning ahead, and redirect yourself to the present moment to fully enjoy it.

Type 4: The Individualist

The Individualist will absolutely experience Vorfreude when a loved one is coming to town. You have an incredible gift of instinct and will likely have a very good feel for what is and isn’t worth preparing for your guest to make sure they feel welcome in the way they like best. You might feel quite a bit of pressure to deliver creatively, which might lead you to freeze up.

This combined with your honesty and raw personality can be perceived as dramatic. However, you’re skilled at seeing the big picture, which meshes well with your advanced understanding of abstract ideas. When it comes to welcoming someone into your home, you know just how to show them what it’s like in your little corner of the world.

Your helpful affirmation: direct your energy outward and toward your guest to let their needs guide you.

People around a table, excitedly looking at a plate of food, reflecting their shared anticipation and joy.

Type 5: The Investigator

The Investigator is known for their wealth of ideas and attention to detail, so preparing for the arrival of a loved one is definitely going to make for a showstopper when you’re involved. You’re most likely to work alone rather than in a team. This paired with your innate ability to retain information, makes you the best person for the job to take on the challenge of creating the perfect space that’s tailored specifically to your guest.

You hate being idle or feeling useless, so you’re prone to being scattered or even cynical when you’re overwhelmed with planning. However, you have the intrinsic ability to focus, which serves you well when searching for a subject upon which to direct your Vorfreude.

The Investigator’s affirmation: if you feel yourself nearing the cliff of overwhelm, step back by pulling yourself back to the moment and appreciating how well you delivered on your goals.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Loyalists are looked to for honesty, support, and security, so when you’re full of Vorfreude for your arriving guest, you’re going to channel it into being the best version of you — something you strive for no matter the circumstances. You’re at ease in environments that you find familiar, and you feel secure with order, so all your excitement may mean you seek out your (and your guest’s) favorite haunts to calm yourself down when you’re overwhelmed with anticipation.

It's true that you can become upset if you feel like things are getting out of control, but more importantly, you strive to do well and to experience all the wonderful things the world has to offer, bringing everyone up with you — especially for people who have earned it in your eyes. Your Vorfreude will cause you to lean on the tried-and-true method of preparing for your guest in an organized way to be sure everything unfolds to its potential.

Your helpful affirmation: if you feel yourself reverting back into your shell, remember that home doesn’t have to be a place, it can be a person too.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

You bring joy everywhere you go, so as an Enthusiast, your Vorfreude becomes something contagious. Since you like to spread your attention rather than focus on one single task, whatever you have prepared for your guest will embody “above and beyond”. You love finding new ways to have fun, so likely you won’t shy away from planning something unexpected as a way to direct your excited anticipation.

You can get bored with things that require too much time or dedication, so your preparations may resemble a whirlwind rather than a structured, broken-down list. You’re good at processing complex details and excel at making and keeping friends, so more-than-likely you’ll find it “a given” that you use your excitement to make your visitor feel as enthusiastic about being there as you do.  

Your affirmation: dedication pays off, so don’t shy away from it. Remember that your loved one is who this is all for!

Type 8: The Challenger

The Challenger is confident and outspoken and is often in a role of leadership for their can-do attitude. If this is you, you won’t hesitate to allow your Vorfreude to push you to over-prepare everything since you value doing things right. You aren’t going to back down from a challenge, so no matter the circumstances of your loved one’s arrival, they’re going to return home at the end of it all feeling like they experienced everything you wanted them to.

You may hold the concern deep down that you’ll get hurt if your plans fall through, which can lead you to be distant. However, due to your unwavering loyalty to the people you trust, your excitement at what’s to come is enough to continue forward despite that. Having you on their side ensures your visitor will achieve everything you set out to do…and more.

An affirmation to help you: if things don’t go to plan, allow what happens next be wonderful nevertheless!

Type 9: The Peacemaker

One of your greatest skills is bringing people together, so your Vorfreude would absolutely lead you to create an unforgettable visit for your guest. You’re optimistic and supportive, so even if your well-laid plans go awry, you are more than ready to do what needs to be done to make sure that your loved one sees and does everything they wished to.  

You appreciate being given the chance to creatively express yourself, so this would be a wonderful opportunity to show how much you care, especially with all the information you have after years of being an incredibly good listener. You can fall into the trap of ignoring problems for the sake of peace rather than dealing with them, but at the end of the day, your ability to care for others turns your Vorfreude into an unforgettable trip for your guest.

The Peacemaker’s affirmation: if your guest’s wishes deviate from your expectations, remember that they just want to spend the most time with you as possible — even if you don’t stick to the plan!

Three women in a car, joyfully laughing and smiling, embodying the spirit of anticipation and connection.

Feeling Vorfreude over your type

The beauty of Vorfreude is the universality of the experience and the thrill of something wonderful coming our way. Regardless of Enneagram type, anticipation is so special because we know that it is finite by nature. Vorfreude will eventually end, and we’ll have the thing we were waiting for.

Each type has strengths and areas that could lead to pitfalls, and understanding your type allows you to know why you feel the way you do in certain situations — and why you react the way you do because of it. Your type isn’t something that solidifies who you are and what you’ll do next; lean on your strengths and develop beyond your weaknesses to maintain clarity and understanding about yourself. If you want to dive deeper into your personality and behavior in different situations, check out our other personality tests for self-discovery.

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